Our commitment to free eco-friendly solutions for your workplace
Taking the time to be more conscious of our environment has never been more prominent. We all recycle at home, so why not in the workplace? Our eco solutions give your business the chance to be environmentally friendly and uphold your corporate social responsibility.
We offer an ink and toner collection service, completely free of charge whenever you need it, collected when we deliver your order.
Our paper recycling service works similarly. You store your waste paper in one of our special bins, and we will collect it when we deliver your order. Contact us to minimise your environmental impact by trying our free eco services today.

You can stop your used cartridges ending up in landfill...
The plastic contained within ink and toner cartridges takes up to 1000 years to fully decompose. Each year, approximately 65 million printer cartridges are sold in the UK, of which an estimated 15% are reused or recycled. That means the remaining 55 million cartridges are discarded to landfills.
Once we have implemented the right solution for you, we will leave you to fill the bin. When it's full, we will arrange for your bin to be collected from your business when we deliver your order. Your cartridges and mobile phones will then be remanufactured or recycled, for every cartridge we send away for recycling, we’ll donate the money received to SeeSaw, a fantastic local charity.

Your paper can be recycled up to 20 times...
Paper makes up to 80% of office waste. We offer a fast, efficient and eco-friendly waste paper collection service to all of our customers. Instead of going into the bin and onto a landfill, simply put your waste office paper into the special bins that we will provide for your business.
When it's full, get in touch, and we'll arrange a convenient time to collect your waste paper from you. You can rest assured that your waste paper will be taken away, sorted, recycled and prepared for its new life as office paper, newspapers, magazines and a plethora of other materials.
The difference with our collection service is that we will collect your waste office paper for free when delivering your orders. As our vans rarely return to us empty, we maximise the value of our emissions. By participating you are helping to avoid UK landfill, protecting the environment and reusing our precious resources.